Agensi Nuklear Malaysia
Carry out research that is based on the organization's mission, market demand and customer’s needs.
Do research and management with ethical, honesty and integrity.
Provide continual support to the organization in relation to the administration, services, finance, and security activities
Through the four priority areas;
- Receive, evaluate and forward to the next process, the application of research project within one (1) month after receiving the complete proposal.
- Prepare the final report of research project within one (1) month after project dateline.
- Coordinate the participation of researchers to innovation competition within three (3) months before the event.
- Manage the patent filing within six (6) months after receiving the application.
- Respond to customer complaints within three (3) days.
- Take action on the request of technical services within 14 days after receiving the application.
- Take action on technical service complaints within 24 hours.
- Consider the approval of quotation and tender specification within two (2) weeks after receiving the application.
- Ensure the availability of Nuclear Malaysia official portal is not less than 90%
- Ensure the development of human capital achieve seven (7) days of training a year.
- Process the billing payment and invoices within 14 days after receiving a complete document.
- Process the applications of quotation and tender within two (2) months after receiving a complete document.
- Issue a Local Orders within seven (7) days after receiving a complete document.
- Approve the training application within 14 days after receiving a complete application.
- Supply products, training and services based on standards and affordable price rates.
- Provide quotation to client within seven (7) days after receiving the application.
- Issue a certificate and analysis report within seven (7) days after completing all the services.
- Prepare a Contract of Cooperation within three (3) months after obtaining memorandum of agreement from the cooperation partner.
- Take action on complaints of services and products within 24 hours.
- Provide a technical services and after sales services within 14 days after receiving a complete application.
- Review and fixes the price of Nuclear Malaysia services and product each 5 years